Search for Links about Other Connections

Please select the Other checkbox to see all of the Parkinson resources about Other Connections

Parkinson’s UK

This resource explains why patient and public involvement is key and how to get involved in supporting research in this way.

Parkinson’s UK

Toolkit for researchers to use to help them communicate more effectively with study participants. The toolkit has been created by people with Parkinson's and researchers.

Cure Parkinson’s

A range of resources for researchers to help them get their PPIE programmes underway.

  • Search for Other Connections

This is a growing resource

If you have a resource you would like to recommend, or if you have an amendment to this site please contact us.

Parkinson’s UK

This resource explains why patient and public involvement is key and how to get involved in supporting research in this way.

Parkinson’s UK

Toolkit for researchers to use to help them communicate more effectively with study participants. The toolkit has been created by people with Parkinson's and researchers.